
U.S. News & World Report Historical Liberal Arts College and University Rankings

Liberal Arts College Rankings (Updated Through 2025)

Since 1983, the magazine U.S. News and World Report has been ranking US universities and colleges. While I do not in anyway endorse the specific methodology used to construct these rankings, I know that many academic institutions and scholars use these rankings in their research and institutional assessment. I was frustrated that historical rankings were not easily available anywhere online. The spreadsheet below contains all of the data for liberal arts colleges since they were first ranked in 1985.  They were compiled from the actual articles/websites releasing the data each year. The new version this year now has all of the tiers for all of the years. This should be the complete data–but please email me if you spot any errors. The rankings include the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System’s ID numbers, making it possible to easily merge them with any of IPEDS’ datasets.

In addition, I have two additional files available: an excel and a PDF that include the data on the metrics used from 2002-2022. These were provided to me by another scholar (who wishes to remain anonymous) in raw form like this and I am just reposting. I have not had time to verify or clean up the data. If anyone does so or adds additional years to it, feel free to pass it along and I will repost here.

National University Rankings

Thanks to assistance from Yan Zhang, I now have an excel sheet below that contains rankings for the top 150 national universities for all years (1984-2025).

When using either dataset below please cite as:

Andrew G. Reiter, “U.S. News & World Report Historical Liberal Arts College and University Rankings,” available at:

Updating and maintaining these datasets takes time and hosting them online for public use has costs associated. If you would like to support my work on college rankings you can buy me a buy me a coffee here!

The Transitional Justice Data Base

The data base, created with Tricia D. Olsen and Leigh A. Payne, contains over 1,100 transitional justice mechanisms (trials, truth commissions, amnesties, reparations, and lustration policies) implemented in 161 countries from 1970-2010.

Transitional Justice Data Base (1970-2010) – Dataset

Transitional Justice Data Base (1970-2010) – Codebook

The Transitional Justice Research Collaborative

A new global dataset, with more refined data on trials, truth commissions, and amnesties, and new data on vetting, reparations, and customary justice, created in a collaborative project (funded by the National Science Foundation and the Arts and Humanities Research Council [UK]) between teams at the University of Minnesota and the University of Oxford.

The Transitional Justice Bibliography

This academic resource contains 2,497 scholarly works on transitional justice, organized by topic and region.

Authoritarian Regime and Transition Type Data (ARTT)

The ARTT contains data on the length and type of authoritarian regimes and the type of transition in 91 democratic transitions from 1970-2004. ARTT potentially has numerous applications. It is designed, in particular, to test whether the type of authoritarian regime, the length of that regime, or the type of transition to democracy affect specific components of the democratization process or decisions of new democratic leaders. I compiled this data in conjunction with the Transitional Justice Data Base Project. The data can be found below in an Excel file, and a user’s manual that outlines the case selection, coding definitions for each variable, and case summaries from which the coding decisions are made, is also included.

ARTT Dataset

ARTT User’s Manual